
Primary LanguageSolidity


A decentralized, permissionless staking service that allows anyone to stake any amount of ether, receive rewards and contribute to the ecosystem health without any restrictions.

Home Screen

Screenshot 1

Dashboard Screen

Screenshot 3

Stake Screen

Screenshot 2


  • Build a Staking Pool - SSV Network
  • Build a DVT-based Staking Service
  • Test locally with zero-config forking using Infura's free archive node access
  • Integrate Tenderly Web3 Gateway
  • Tenderly Simulation API Integration
  • Use fRPC to connect your dApp to Blockchain
  • Connect the world with Chainlink
  • Chainlink Functions

Tecnical details

Create validator keys

./deposit.sh new-mnemonic --num_validators=<NUM_VALIDATORS> --mnemonic_language=english --chain=<CHAIN_NAME> --folder=<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>

Get operators from SSV Network

Register a new validator on the system

We will emit an event every time a 32 eth amount is reached on staking. A defender sentinel will be triggered and an api enpoint called where the validator keys will be generated, operators will be selected from ssv.network and the new validator registered on the system.

How to run the tests

There're diffent ways to run tests

Forge test using a goerli's fork

source .env.local && forge test --fork-url $INFURA_RPC_URL -vvv

Local deployment using ganache

1 - Run ganache in one terminal

  source .env.local && ganache-cli -f $INFURA_RPC_URL

2 - Deploy the contracts

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $GANACHE_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY

3 - Run the frontend

  cd frontend && yarn dev-frontend-local

Local deployment using anvil

1 - Run anvil

  source .env.local && anvil --fork-url $INFURA_RPC_URL --chain-id 31337

2 - Deploy the contracts

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYMENT_PRIVATE_KEY -vvv --broadcast

Deploy on a testnet

1 - Deploy the contracts using tenderly gateway

source .env && forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $TENDERLY_GATEWAY --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --legacy

2 - Start the frontend

  yarn dev-frontend-remote

Some usefull commands

Run tests using a Goerli fork

source .env.local && forge test --fork-url $INFURA_RPC_URL

Deploy on local node

First terminal

source .env && anvil --fork-url $INFURA_RPC_URL --chain-id 31337

Second Terminal

source .env && forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 --broadcast

Deploy with tenderly gateway

source .env && forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url https://goerli.gateway.tenderly.co/4qcCAJIkvm7jWdk51yzcu9 --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --legacy


1 - Clone https://github.com/fluencelabs/fRPC-Substrate 2 - Follow the guide

npm run run configs/quickstart_config.json

Add Rewards

1 - On ganache (localy)

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/AddRewards.s.sol --rpc-url $GANACHE_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY

2 - Remotely

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/AddRewards.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY


1 - On ganache (localy)

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Stake.s.sol --rpc-url $GANACHE_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY

2 - Remotely

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Stake.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY


1 - On ganache (localy)

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Unstake.s.sol --rpc-url $GANACHE_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY

2 - Remotely

  source .env.local && forge script ./script/Unstake.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

Add rewards on anvil

source .env.local && AMOUNT=30 SCA=0x0a08a41b691ec9954cc3170f9fb9ae819686ba00 forge script ./script/AddRewards.s.sol --rpc-url $ANVIL_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $ANVIL_PRIVATE_KEY -vvvv

Add rewards on ganache

source .env.local && AMOUNT=30 SCA=0x0a08a41b691ec9954cc3170f9fb9ae819686ba00 forge script ./script/AddRewards.s.sol --rpc-url $GANACHE_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY -vvvv