Run forge test
until all tests (1) passes :3
# To compile the vulnerable contract, you need solc 0.4.0
solc --bin-runtime src/CTF.sol4
# Check if you've captured the flag
forge test
69 Beers (baby mode)
A Bar is using VRGDAs to price their beers. Jessy wants to buy a round (69 beers), but only has 1 ether to spend. Can you game the bar to buy the round?
Only modify
in Bar.t.sol in the designated section. -
Do not use cheatcodes
Assume the VRGDA dependency is correct
Get the test to pass!
Spoiler! Chads begone!
VRGDAs set the price of a resource based on time and resources "purchased so far". As more resources are purchased, the price of each resource increases.