CTFs for All Ages

Run forge test until all tests (1) passes :3

# To compile the vulnerable contract, you need solc 0.4.0
solc --bin-runtime src/CTF.sol4

# Check if you've captured the flag
forge test

69 Beers (baby mode)

A Bar is using VRGDAs to price their beers. Jessy wants to buy a round (69 beers), but only has 1 ether to spend. Can you game the bar to buy the round?


  1. Only modify testBuy69Beers() in Bar.t.sol in the designated section.

  2. Do not use cheatcodes

  3. Assume the VRGDA dependency is correct

  4. Get the test to pass!


Spoiler! Chads begone!

VRGDAs set the price of a resource based on time and resources "purchased so far". As more resources are purchased, the price of each resource increases.