Layers a music application that allows a user to isolate stems of a song for teaching or recreational purposes. It is a sleek and responsive app that uses a React JS frontend with an Express JS and Node JS backend.
The main functionality of the app is the isolation of stems in a song to use within a project i.e. Billy Learning Bass from Another One Bites the Dust. Projects can be located in isolation or within collections that help users organise workflow. You can also make notes on projects to further optimise organisation. Account management is included and users can store and persist their work. All data is stored and retrieved from a database API using PostgresSQL.
Technologies used include React, Material UI, WebPack, Babel, Axios client-side, Node.js, Express.js, Postgres server-side, and WebPack Dev Server.
Available Songs:
- Burial Ground by Wily
- Lisztomania by Phoenix
- 1901 by Phoenix
- Fences by Phoenix
- Armistice by Phoenix
- Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
This project was created by Romesh Thavanathan, Laura Tannahill and Kagiso Mashigo.
Deploy Link:
You can use these details to check out the apps features:
Password: password
Install all dependencies (using the npm install
command from within both client and server).
./ Root folder
./client Main client folder
./docs Project documentation and screenshots
./public Static files served to the client
./public/icons Static icons used on the app
./src Client source code
./src/components React components
./src/hooks React hooks
./src/public Logo files
./ Root folder
./server Main server folder
./bin Contains port management file and db reset
./db Contains schema, seeds and db index
./lib db connnection file
./src Server source code
./src/helpers Helper functions
./src/routes Routing logic
Layers requires Node.js and PostgresSQL and the following dependencies:
- material-ui/core 4.11.2
- material-ui/icons 4.11.2
- testing-library/jest-dom 5.11.9
- testing-library/react 11.2.3
- testing-library/user-event 12.6.0
- axios 0.21.1
- classnames 2.2.6
- eventemitter 0.3.3
- react 17.0.1
- react-dom 17.0.1
- react-router-dom 5.2.0
- react-scripts 4.0.1
- react-share 4.3.1
- wavesurfer.js 4.4.0
- web-vitals 0.2.4
- express 4.16.1
- bcrypt 5.0.0
- body-parser 1.19.0
- cookie-parser 1.4.4
- cookie-session 1.4.0
- cors 2.8.5
- debug 2.6.9
- morgan 1.9.1
- pg 8.5.1
- pg-native 3.0.0
- dotenv 8.2.0
- nodemon 2.0.7
npm run start
npm run nodemon
Don't forget to have fun!