
Simple all-in-one telegram bot for groups built in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Various Telegram Bots 1.2.2

A set of small bots for telegrams built in Node.js. They're all combined into all-in-one bot (but you can easily separate them).

All app settings are specified in .env.example file. To run the app, you have to create your own .env file with all options from the example.

You might also need to install dotenv npm package to use .env settings (or just run the app with heroku local command).


This bot stores last N messages in a chat and can forward random one of them using command /quote.

Quotes are being automatically loaded from a dropbox folder at the startup, and saved to the same folder in an specified interval.

Available commands:

  • /quote - Forwards random message from the quote list
  • /quotes - Shows a size of the quote list


This bot chooses one variant from the list, separated by commas or spaces.

Available commands:

  • /choose <variants> - Sends randomly selected variant from the list
  • /yes_or_no - Sends yes or no


  • /choose my variant 1, something else, idk
  • /choose yes no maybe
  • /choose yes, no maybe - It won't work as you, I think, want it to. The bot will choose whether yes or no maybe, because when you use commas to separate variants, spaces are being ignored (so you can build sentences with more than one word).


This bot reacts to some chat messages with an emoji or random predefined text.

You can reply to a message with the command /react and bot will reply to the message with an emoji or text (as set in the code).

Available commands:

  • /react - Reacts to a message with an emoji or random predefined text


Bot- and app-specific commands.

Available commands:

  • /version - Shows app version (from package.json)

Dependencies (npm)

  • node-telegram-bot-api: 0.27.1
  • dropbox: 2.5.4
  • express: 4.15.2