
This is a mini linkedin PWA all around students

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It means more vivid. It is a mini Linkedin PWA (Progressive Web App) for students. The goal of the app is to bring out the light in others meaning to help them find opportunities around them to use their inbuilt gifts and talents. To achieve this students can find jobs, find other students who can offer certain skills (like photography), share their skills and businesses with other students and a mini stackoverflow flow asking student related questions.

Tech Stack

This app is built on a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack and I plan on hosting it on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) using their free tier.


We believe that in everyone has the capacity and ability to change the world and each person has something to offer the world.


Help people explore their gifts and share them with the world.

Why PWA?

I want to focus on building the core functionalities of the application and target both mobile and web users. Building a mobile app sepertately really didn't seem like a wise decision (mainly because of development time). In addition I have been hearing and watching videos about PWA's and not really made one, this also influenced my decision.

Why Student?

  1. No one is really taking us serious, no web app is really focused around the life of a student (maybe there is in the US but not in the country I reside - Ukraine)
  2. I have met lots of students in my university finding it hard to find a job and no one is doing anything about it. I've decided to do something about it.
  3. My university has no strong community of students and no where for all the students of the university to meet and talk on the web. Again, I think something should be done about this.