Clone this repository into your catkin workspace "src" folder
In the catkin_ws folder, run
In arm_scenario_experiments run :
This package contains the code needed to carry out data collection and experiments with the arm_scenario_simulator
Basically, this fork is only used to generate baxter pushing button data.
You can modify color of table in : catkin_ws/src/arm_scenario_simulator/models/DREAM_table/model.sdf
just change line 36 :
for exemple
See /usr/share/gazebo-2.2/media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material
for other material available (you can try to create your own if you want)
The color of button is selected randomly
If you want to change button position see catkin_ws/src/arm_scenario_experiments/scripts/button_pressing/button_babbler
line 46
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/arm_scenario_experiments
Wait for gazebo and open a new terminal window
rosrun arm_scenario_simulator spawn_objects_example
open a new terminal window
rosrun arm_scenario_experiments button_babbler here
The script will launch, creating sequences of images in record_X directory in 'here'
#Error you can get (because sometimes, ros hates you)
OSError: [Errno 110] Failed to get robot state on robot/state
Just relauch the script a few times, it will work
Service IK error
Meaning : Moving the arm is not possible for an unknown reason...
Usulally, restarting ros and gazebo seems to do the trick, but ugly ...