This project is about a paper [1] written by Rico Jonschkowski and Oliver Brock. The goal is to learn a state representation based on images and robotics priors to make a network able to give high level information to another program which will make a robot learning tasks.
In this folder the network aims to learn a 3D representation of the robot hand position.
Place your data (from GDrive folder) in the main folder. The data folder should be named "simpleData3D".
The function "save_model" in script.lua saves models for each test. The tests done are defined in the list "Tests_Todo". Each test trains the model with a particular combination of priors (the best one used now is the one with all the priors). Once you have saved a trained model, load_model.lua loads it using the variable "name"
script.lua creates and optimize a model, saves it to a .t7 file and writes in 'last_model.txt' the name and path of the model saved
imagesAndRepr.lua looks for the last model used (in last_model.txt), loads the model, calculate the representations for all images in DATA_FOLDER, and creates a saveImagesAndRepr.txt
- looks for the corresponding saveImagesAndRepr.txt and applies K Nearest Neigbors for visual evaluation purposes, i.e., to assess the quality of the state representations learnt. Run
python 50
to generate only 50 instead of all images.
Note: This repo is an extension of to the 3D case: unsupervised learning of states for 3D representation learning
- For nearest neighbors visualization:
- Scikit-learn:
Step 1: sudo apt-get update
Step 2: Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-setuptools python-numpy python-scipy libatlas-dev libatlas3gf-base
Step 3: pip install --user --install-option="--prefix=" -U scikit-learn
- Tkinker: if you encounter "_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable" while running
run instead 'ssh -X' instead of 'ssh'
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('GTK') # Or any other X11 back-end
[1] Learning state representations with robotic priors. Rico Jonschkowski, Oliver Brock, 2015.