You will need to grab on the requirements and complete the project while ensuring the application to have great engineering and well-design by using API endpoints given at:
: http://c8036bd8-ea01-4f47-9ff1-dbf8001a0500.mock.pstmn.iohttps
: https://c8036bd8-ea01-4f47-9ff1-dbf8001a0500.mock.pstmn.iohttps
Once upon a time... nope! So here, you have been temporarily hired by Opn and assigned to work on the little e-commerce project which the previously assigned front-end developer and designer got the urgent matters to solve, so they will not be able to finish the project on time.
The design can click this link Figma and the requirements are below.
- Add card validation on Checkout form:
- Must be a valid card number
- Must be Visa / Master card type
- Must be valid expiration date
- Must be valid CVV
- Complete the API integration:
- Call the web service for payment submission
- Add new UI on Checkout form:
- Display the icon (Visa/Master) based on card number input
- Style “Pay” button of the checkout form according to Figma UI
Change the example.env
to .env
$ yarn install
# development
$ yarn dev
# build production
$ yarn build
- Prototype:
- File:
- Get Product: {{ api_endpoint }}/products
- Submit Payment: {{ api_endpoint }}/pay
"paymentInfo": {
"email": "",
"cardInfo": {
"cardNo": "123456778888",
"cardExpiryDate": "33/21",
"cardCVV": "124"
"products": [
{ "id": "1", "quantity": 1 },
{ "id": "2", "quantity": 5 }
"requestId": "12344556",
"result": {
"errorCode": "0",
"errorDesc": "Success"
"paymentInfo": {
"email": "",
"cardInfo": {
"cardNo": "123456778888",
"cardExpiryDate": null,
"cardCVV": null
Desire to win the war? Well, to make it a little more fun, please remember that
You cannot:
- Change existing behaviors.
- Change the API server.
- Change from JavaScript/TypeScript to other languages.
Let's rock! 🤘