- 0
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PdfBoxGraphics2DPaintApplier$CreateAlphaShadingMask.patchFunction
#60 opened by ganomi - 4
Support custom strokes
#59 opened by AlexGeller1 - 3
- 0
Reuse PDFCloneUtilities.
#57 opened by rototor - 3
add pdfbox 3.0.0 support
#55 opened by pjfanning - 4
Draw Attributed text only supports Font, while Family/Weight/Posture is an alternate way.
#51 opened by fransbouwmans - 8
System.err in PdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer
#49 opened by pmds-martins - 4
Exception in RadialGradientPaint
#48 opened by istinnstudio - 3
String rotation
#47 opened by c4da - 1
Correctly support embedding the same image with different KEY_INTERPOLATION values.
#40 opened by rototor - 2
drawRect does not properly close rectangle
#46 opened by fransbouwmans - 1
- 1
drawIssue with incorrect argument
#45 opened by fransbouwmans - 5
- 2
TestPPTXRendering.testPPTXRendering failing with libapache-poi-java from Debian 12
#43 opened by pgrt - 2
- 1
mapColor parameters in RGBtoCMYKColorMapper
#41 opened by iocoker - 0
Document how to reuse / share images inside a document across different Graphics2D
#39 opened by rototor - 3
- 3
- 6
Adding jaxb-api in the pom of extended-tests
#33 opened by pgrt - 1
- 2
- 3
- 12
Parse error in Acrobat Reader
#29 opened by kiwiwings - 0
Support TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute,STRIKETHROUGH and other TextAttributes in Font-Mode
#28 opened by rototor - 3
PdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer.iterateRun - off-by-one leads to wrong font style
#27 opened by kiwiwings - 5
gfx.getFontMetrics.stringWidth gives different width than pdFont.getStringWidth / 1000 * fontSize
#16 opened by megri - 2
Scale an existing page
#24 opened by MichelMelhem - 1
Add support for gradle
#23 opened by MichelMelhem - 2
- 14
Discrepancy between PDF & PNG when translating an SVG that contains a linear gradient
#19 opened by larrylynn-wf - 6
setXORMode / setPaintMode not implemented
#14 opened by gredler - 3
[question] SVG and fonts
#15 opened by jonathannaguin - 1
Create a full document with Graphics2D
#7 opened by rototor - 3
- 1
Upgrade PDFBOX
#11 opened by danfickle - 0
- 1
SVG texts not searchable in PDF
#9 opened by YSArch - 5
#8 opened by JuliuszJ - 2
- 1
SVG-Rendering: Test with Batik 1.9
#2 opened by rototor