
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ikode is a tool to create a file with base64 encoded data uri's from a directory of png and/or svg images.

Usage: ikode [OPTIONS] [dir]

        --json, -j        Output a JSON file instead of a JavaScript file
        --css, -c         Output a CSS file instead of a JavaScript file
        --dir, -d         Extra directory to scan for images. Note: the [dir] in the command above is
                          still necessary. Multiple --dir flags are possible.
        --out, -o         Name of output file
        --name, -n        Name of the object with the URLS (only when not using --json or --css)
        --important, -i   Add !important to the generated CSS rules (only when using --css)
        --ext, -e         A json file with 'css extensions' (object with keys equal to the image names,
                          and values a string or array of strings with css selectors that should also
                          have that value as background image. Only when using --css)
                          Multiple --ext flags are possible.
        --yes, -y         Assume yes when prompted for a Yes/No answer
        --verbose, -v     Give verbose output


See the project in the example directory for an example.


Ikode is licensed with the AGPL 3.0 license