This 42 project is an introduction to devOps. It aims to build a simple infrastructure composed of three docker containers: a Nginx server, a MariaDB database and a Wordpress site with php-fpm. Those containers are built upon an Alpine Linux docker-image and orchestrated by a docker-compose file. The wordpress site and the database must be both on a their own persistent docker-volume, a custom docker-network must be set, the connection must be done via https and specific ports must be used.
make build
Build the infratructure.
make check
Display the running containers.
make logs
Display the logs.
make stop
Stop the containers of the infrastructure.
make down
Stop and erase the containers and the volumes of the infrastructure.
make clean
Delete the content of the volumes without removing them.
make prune
Prune all docker containers on the host machine.
make re
Stops, cleans and restart the infrastructure.