This Python program scans pdfs and websites for links and checks if the links are active or return an error code.
- AeRabelais
- AltercoachGolden Key
- AmirNaghibiAmazon
- amroakmalEgypt
- arya2004VIT, Pune
- bellyfat
- bzvnr
- dimapin
- GerHobbeltAlmelo (NL)
- Godoctors
- harsh098
- haunt98ZaloPay / VNG
- jennifertieuHouston, Texas
- marshalmillerNorthampton Community College
- marwansalemAlexandria, Egypt
- misterrager8Atlanta, GA
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- n0nuser@RavenPack
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- programmer290399@Adyen
- rachaelcrook@mozilla
- RahulDubey391@Capgemini
- ShrekhavingabadDay
- stephanelpaulAmqui, QC, Canada
- the-lightstackGermany
- timcrob
- tituszFreiburg, Germany
- vacom13
- veracioux
- wiseaidev@opensass
- youChipS