
Git status for shell prompt integration

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Rust re-implementation of gitstatus.py, part of zsh-git-prompt, taking some inspiration for the alternative Haskell implementation included with zsh-git-prompt. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the Python script.

The current differences to gitstatus.py are:

  • Implemented with the Rust libgit2 bindings, so the binary is self-contained and does not fork git, which should be beneficial for performance.
  • Handles unborn branches, so you get a status for a freshly-initialized repository. For an unborn branch, a question mark (?) is shown as a branch name.

Prompt structure

Please refer to the zsh-git-prompt's README for information on the status information shown.


  1. You need a Rust toolchain to build gitstat; the easiest way obtain a recent one is via rustup. This will provide you with cargo, Rust's package manager, which you'll invoke below to build and/or install gitstat.

  2. Once gitstat is published to crates.io, you will be able to install or update it to its latest release with:

    cargo install --force gitstat

    In the meantime, use cargo build --release in the top-level directory of the source code, and copy the executable placed in target/release/gitstat into your $PATH.

  3. As with zsh-git-prompt, source the file zshrc.sh from your ~/.zshrc config file, and configure your prompt. So, somewhere in ~/.zshrc, you should have:

    source path/to/zshrc.sh
    # an example prompt
    PROMPT='%B%m%~%b$(git_super_status) %# '

    Instead of allowing choosing between different implementations, as zsh-git-prompt does, you can set GITSTAT_COMMAND, which should work also when referring to gitstatus.py, but then you'd lose all the performance goodness.

Static build

For deployment to a Linux target, an attractive option is to create a statically linked binary using Rust's MUSL target. This will result in a completely standalone binary, which depends only on the Linux kernel's system call ABI.

# If you haven't installed the MUSL target already, let's do that now:
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
# Build against the MUSL libc target
cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
# Let's check it's really a static binary
file target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/tdns \
  | grep -q 'statically linked' || echo "nope"


The code and documentation of gitstat is free software, licensed under the MIT license. It includes a variant of the zshrc.sh script from zsh-git-prompt, which is also provided under the MIT license.