
A demo of PostgREST (setup and basic operation using Docker)

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Getting Started with PostgREST using Docker

Required tools

Everything here assumes Linux based environment. You will need to translate some of this for Windows environments.

What you need to have installed locally:

  • bash (or something close)
  • tr
  • head
  • docker
  • curl
  • jq

Initial Setup

Create 3 strong passwords and store them in the following environment variables:

make_secret() {
  echo "$(LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c32)"

export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=$(make_secret)
export PGRST_JWT_SECRET=$(make_secret)

Create a docker network (simpler and more flexible than managing port bindings to host).

docker network create -d bridge postgrest-demo

Setup PostgreSQL

Get a Postgresql instance running using docker:

(Note: remember to set a strong password for the DB. This assumes it's stored in environment variable called POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD)

docker pull postgres

docker run -d --name pg-sql --network postgrest-demo \
	-d postgres

Execute the following command to get minimal DB objects required to run PostgREST. (This executes the SQL in schema-0.sql, go check it out):

SQL=$(eval "echo \"$(<schema-0.sql)\"" 2> /dev/null)
docker exec -it pg-sql psql -U postgres -c "$SQL"

You can also connect to the psql console using the following docker command:

docker exec -it pg-sql psql -U postgres"

You should see a command prompt.

Setup PostgREST

Get a PostgREST instance running using docker:

(Note: remember to set a strong password for the authenticator role and the jwt-secret. This assumes these are stored in environment variables called PGRST_AUTENTICATOR_PASSWORD and PGRST_JWT_SECRET respectively.)

docker pull postgrest/postgrest

docker run -d --name pg-rest --network postgrest-demo \
	-e "PGRST_DB_URI=postgres://authenticator:${PGRST_AUTENTICATOR_PASSWORD}@pg-sql:5432/postgres" \
	-e "PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE=webanon" \
	-e "PGRST_DB_SCHEMAS=api" \
	-e "PGRST_LOG_LEVEL=info" \
	-d postgrest/postgrest:v12.0.1

Test your installation by checking the container logs:

docker logs pg-rest

If everything went well this should show that PostgREST connected to the database, like so:

18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Starting PostgREST 12.0.2...
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Attempting to connect to the database...
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Connection successful
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Listening on port 3000
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Config reloaded
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Listening for notifications on the pgrst channel
18/Jan/2024:16:00:17 +0000: Schema cache loaded

At this stage you have a schema to look at. You can visit it at the following address:

PGRST_ADDRESS="http://$(docker container inspect pg-rest | jq -r '.[] | .NetworkSettings.Networks["postgrest-demo"].IPAddress'):3000"

curl ${PGRST_ADDRESS} | jq

There isn't much there but you can see that PostgREST provides a Open API schema already with the only path being the self describing OpenAPI at the root /.

Adding Schema by Creating Tables

Let's make things more interesting by adding a table and grant access.

Execute the following. (This executes the SQL in schema-1.sql, go check it out):

SQL=$(eval "echo \"$(<schema-1.sql)\"" 2> /dev/null)
docker exec -it pg-sql psql -U postgres -c "$SQL"

Now you should see new paths you can observe by checking the update Open API:

curl ${PGRST_ADDRESS} | jq '.paths'

Bulk Insert Data using REST (WITH JWT authentication)

Ok, let's take the level up and generate a JWT we can use to leverage bulk update through the REST API. (We could do bulk insert via psql but what's the fun in that.)

Create a JWT token and hold it. We're using Bitnami's containerized version of jwt-cli to simplify our lives. It helps us create HS256 JWT tokens from the command line:

JWT_TOKEN="$(docker run --rm bitnami/jwt-cli encode -S ${PGRST_JWT_SECRET} -P role=webuser)"

We can now use the token to make authenticated requests via curl. This one will POST our json data file to populate our table:

curl ${PGRST_ADDRESS}/sales -X POST \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_TOKEN" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-d @Warehouse_and_Retail_Sales.json

This great, but it's pretty boring database so let's normalize the data a bit so we can do things like joins.

Execute the following. (This executes the SQL in schema-2.sql, go check it out):

SQL=$(eval "echo \"$(<schema-2.sql)\"" 2> /dev/null)
docker exec -it pg-sql psql -U postgres -c "$SQL"

Finally, execute the following. (This executes the SQL in schema-3.sql, go check it out):

SQL=$(eval "echo \"$(<schema-3.sql)\"" 2> /dev/null)
docker exec -it pg-sql psql -U postgres -c "$SQL"

Now we have a prettier schema and we can try some interesting requests to explore the power of PostgREST:

# join
curl ${PGRST_ADDRESS}/sales?select=*,supplier(*),item(*)&limit=10

# reverse join
curl ${PGRST_ADDRESS}/supplier?select=*,sales(*,item(*))&limit=10
