
Command Line OSX Screen Lock

Primary LanguageShell

maclock - Command Line OSX Screen Lock

A simple bash script to lock your mac from the command line.

By default maclock will just launch the screen saver, but it can also mute the audio and put the display to sleep.

Usage: maclock [-m] [-d] [-q] [-a]

       -m, --mute    : mute the audio
       -d, --display : sleep the display
       -q, --quiet   : no output
       -a, --all     : --mute and --display


curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/roubles/maclock/master/webinstall.sh | bash


Option 1 - Launch screen saver

$ maclock

Option 2 - Launch screen saver and mute audio

$ maclock --mute
$ maclock -m

Option 3 - Launch screen saver and sleep display

$ maclock --display
$ maclock -d

Option 4 - Launch screen saver and all of the above

$ maclock --all
$ maclock -a

Option 5 - Launch screen saver and all of the above (quietly)

$ maclock --all --quiet
$ maclock -a -q

Other options

Mere mortals may get by with keyboard shortcuts such as: Ctrl-Shift-⏏ Eject (on older Macs), Ctrl-Shift-⌽ Power (on newer macs)

Or, if you like to use the trackpad or mouse, you can use Hot Corners.

Call me oldschool, but I like the command line. The commands that this script essentially encapsulates are:

$ open -a ScreenSaverEngine    # Launch screen saver
$ osascript -e "set Volume 0"  # Mute audio
$ pmset displaysleepnow        # Display sleep


$ curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/roubles/maclock/master/webuninstall.sh | bash