ArtChain: Empowering Creator Communities through Decentralization

ArtChain is a revolutionary platform that empowers creators to establish decentralized communities centered around specific art genres, such as portrait, photography, and painting. Operating as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), ArtChain ensures a community-driven approach, free from centralized control.

Team information

Team: 0x00

Team Member:

  1. Rajaul Karim
  2. Md Nahid Hasan
  3. Asir Shahriar Roudra

Key Features:

Native Token System

  • ArtBlock introduces a platform-native token, available for purchase with a fixed price of ether.
  • Users can utilize ArtBlock tokens to create new communities, each with a unique native token reflecting the community's defined properties.

Community Governance

  • To publish art products, creators must stake a specific amount of community native tokens.
  • Two types of products can be published: exclusive and general.
  • Community members holding native tokens participate in a democratic vote to approve or reject submissions, with voting weight determined by token holdings.

Project Diagram

ArtChain drawio

Technology Used

Smart contracts/Backend

  • Etherjs
  • IPFS


  • Reactjs
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Daisy UI