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Legacy Hangman on Symfony 3.4

WARNING: Running with PHP 7 will cause some annotation parsing to fail. IsGranted and Cache are defined as todo in controller classes.


Use the base main branch to clone the project and see the git log:

git clone ...
cd ...
git log

Install dependencies and run the tests:

composer install

You should see the following result:

PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Testing Project Test Suite
................                                                  16 / 16 (100%)

Time: 2.66 seconds, Memory: 50.50MB

OK (16 tests, 55 assertions)

Unsilenced deprecation notices (2)

  2x: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?
    2x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

Remaining deprecation notices (6)

  1x: Not quoting the scalar "%kernel.project_dir%/app/Resources/data/test.txt" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0 in "/Users/heah/Sites/hangman/app/config/config_test.yml" on line 6.
    1x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

  1x: Not quoting the scalar "%kernel.project_dir%/app/Resources/data/words.txt" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0 in "/Users/heah/Sites/hangman/app/config/services.yml" on line 8.
    1x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

  1x: Not quoting the scalar "%kernel.project_dir%/app/Resources/data/words.xml" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0 in "/Users/heah/Sites/hangman/app/config/services.yml" on line 9.
    1x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

  1x: The "framework.session.use_strict_mode" option is enabled by default and deprecated since Symfony 3.4. It will be always enabled in 4.0.
    1x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

  1x: Not setting "logout_on_user_change" to true on firewall "main" is deprecated as of 3.4, it will always be true in 4.0.
    1x in GameControllerTest::testReset from Tests\AppBundle\Controller

  1x: Call Form::isValid() with an unsubmitted form is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw an exception in 4.0. Use Form::isSubmitted() before Form::isValid() instead.
    1x in AppKernelTest::testRouting from Tests


The workshop should last a day to migrate to 4.4 with a Flex architecture.

Start by downloading an archive of the main branch. Read https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/4.4/UPGRADE-4.0.md to trainees. Follow the steps of the trainer-guide branch: