
Primary LanguageJavaScript


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6 tries to get a 5-letter word

Making a guess

  • Detect key presses:
    x if key press is a letter
    x update "letters" attribute
    x update the tile markup based on "letters" value
    • if key press is backspace
      • delete last letter in "letters"
        • update tile markup based on "letters"

Typing in the letter will display the letter in the tile
Backspace will delete the letters
Enter will submit guess

Guesses must be a real word, "in word list"

  • Guess colors (data-state):
    • gray: "absent", letter not in word
    • yellow: "present", letter in word, but in wrong position
    • green: "correct", letter in word, and in right position

Guesses are saved in local storage


Tiles 5 x 6
Virtual Keyboard


  • When typing a letter:

    • border of the tile changes to light gray
    • blinking in animation with the letter
    • backspace will remove letter, border changes back to dark gray
  • When submitting a guess:

    • tiles will flip up and background color will change based on guess