
Replace svg style with attributes.

Oreilles opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there any reason why you choose to set SVG props with inline styling: = 'none' instead of attributes, with path.setAttribute('stroke', 'none') ?

Using SVG attributes instead of inline styling would make it possible to style svgs with css in the context of a web page, it currently isn't because inline style attributes win over css stylesheets.


CSS Properties may be the way to go in your case. Set the stroke/fill to var(--my-color)
Then on your parent node just set the prop to whatever color you want

svg {
  --my-color: red;

svg.nostroke {
   --my-color: none;

Sure, but then it's not possible to use css animation. This doesn't work:

svg {
  animation: animate_fill 3s infinite;
@keyframes animate_fill {
    from { --fill: red } to { --fill: blue }

But this does :

@keyframes animate_fill {
    from { fill: red } to { fill: blue }

Changing to attributes would be a tiny change in the code base, and I highly doubt it would break anyone's markup. Another reason for the switch would be markup readability and ease of manipulation.

Fair enough. Let me ensure it won't have any other consequences.

Btw, if you want your own SVG DOM creation, generators provide a way.

You can generate a rough shape and then use the pathinfo to get all the information you need for rendering SVG DOM

Closed by #155