- 0
Incorrect default export in types
#228 opened by sidharthv96 - 1
- 3
Feature Request
#202 opened by 9kartik - 0
Interactive code examples
#224 opened by nalgeon - 0
how to stroke with gradient?
#223 opened by lanyusan - 2
- 1
Any examples of this used in React Typescript?
#213 opened by seanroades - 2
mermaid language to rough
#203 opened by avelino - 0
Is this project abandoned?
#212 opened by seanroades - 4
Integration with PIXIjs
#163 opened by igorcouto - 5
Use in Nextjs
#187 opened by kaisiant - 1
Compatibility roughs.js - gsap for animation
#207 opened by jbbarre - 0
Dot filling is not constant with fixed seed
#211 opened by tneullas - 2
Ability to pass fill rule through options
#210 opened by interstates21 - 2
Interoperability with Pencil
#208 opened by lppedd - 0
Roughjs not running on Typescript files
#206 opened by Mortyrise - 0
support inside/outside strokes
#204 opened by dwelle - 1
Ellipse not completely filled
#199 opened by anudeepreddy - 3
0-roughness ellipse not closed in specific cases
#197 opened by dwelle - 3
- 4
Is there a way to use other attributes of the the SVG rectangle, such as "rx?"
#196 opened by abalter - 2
Path is not filled correctly
#165 opened by haan123 - 4
'Leaking' hachures in nested polygons
#183 opened by jwoLondon - 6
"Dots" fill looks weird when units are scaled up
#193 opened by notwaldorf - 6
Disable floating points
#191 opened by dwelle - 1
How would someone draw a rectangle without repeating elements via mouse events?
#184 opened by mirabledictu - 4
- 1
ellipse with 0 roughness is still irregular
#185 opened by dwelle - 2
Changing shape properties dynamically
#182 opened by GreenFootballs - 1
Double check the regex in the generator
#180 opened by pshihn - 2
- 5
Feature Request: Continous rough lines with svg path
#168 opened by dai-shi - 5
Setting stroke to "none" has no effect on canvas
#177 opened by jwoLondon - 1
Components for Vue.js
#171 opened by dneustadt - 1
Draw text on canvas using roughjs
#172 opened by adarsh45 - 2
How to clear the canvas?
#175 opened - 0
- 2
How to use rough.js in node.js to save an svg file?
#169 opened by sieste - 0
- 6
"Error: Param not a number: a,l" on SVG path
#152 opened by Oreilles - 2
`atan` versus `atan2`
#166 opened by SheetJSDev - 0
undefined coordinate crashes browser
#164 opened by Hudik - 2
Path has been break apart when applying roughness = 2
#162 opened by haan123 - 5
Wrong filling for particular path in 4.x
#153 opened by Oreilles - 2
Holes in paths are filled
#158 opened by kevinzwang - 1
Deal with curves and other shapes when they do not want to be overstroked multiple times
#147 opened by pshihn - 1
Free hand drawing
#156 opened by z3ky - 4
Replace svg style with attributes.
#151 opened by Oreilles - 2
Animations with Transitions
#154 opened by samtcmu - 9