
support inside/outside strokes

dwelle opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, strokes are centered in relation to the shape's outline, which results in two problems:

  1. if the stroke has non-100% opacity, the stroke is visibly different when it covers a filled shape
  2. when you want to create two elements, one with just a stroke and one with just a fill, they will be of different size (visually)

Figma gives you an option whether to make the stroke be inside, outside, or center:


Does it make sense for roughjs to support this as well?

Thinking about it, I would agree that for non-0 roughness (and 100% opacity), center stroke makes the most sense. For 0 roughness, inside is best, I think (which is why Figma and Miro defaults to it?).

Originally reported in excalidraw/excalidraw#5084