

When loading a page if DxPopup is configured as follows:

<dxc:DXPopup x:Name="Popup" AllowShadow="False" AllowScrim="False" IsOpen="True" > 
   <StackLayout BackgroundColor="AliceBlue" Padding="5, 5" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" HeightRequest="400">
          <Label Text="This is the DevExpress Popup component for .NET MAUI"/>     
          <Label Text="Tap outside the popup to hide it." FontAttributes="Bold"/>  

Actual Behavior

The pop up does not display on page load. If you inspect the Popup in code behind and check the value of IsOpen it is false even though we have have hard coded it to true.

Expected Behavior

The pop up is displayed on page load.

Link to reproduction