
Custom Slider showing a range in a bar and pin-pointing certain value with a thumbnail

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Custom Slider showing a range in a bar and pin-pointing certain value with a thumbnail


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.Rounak122:CustomSlider-Android:0.3.0'


1.a. XML (For Custom Slider without TextView):


1.b. XML (For Custom Slider with TextView):


In XML define a fixed width, it will be needed during initialization


    //Slider with 3 regions (low, normal,high) | Use SetValues method for that
    customSlider1 = findViewById(R.id.customSlider1);
    customSlider1.setValues(0, 40000, 20000, 30000, 30000, 300);

    /* Slider with unlimited regions
     result will be set irrespective of weight, so it works only when all the weight are equal
     result = no. of block for res starting from 1 */

    customSlider2 = findViewById(R.id.customSlider2);
    customSlider2.setMultipleValues(4, new String[]{"#7596ff", "#7565ff", "#759685", "#829712", "#759325"}, new float[]{25, 25, 25, 25}, 3, 300);

    //CustomInfoSlider i.e. Textviews can be added mentioning range
    /* Slider with unlimited regions and their texts
     result will be set irrespective of weight, so it works only when all the weight are equal
     result = no. of block for res starting from 1 */

    customInfoSlider = findViewById(R.id.customInfoSlider);
    customInfoSlider.setMultipleInfoValues(5, new String[]{"#7596ff", "#7565ff", "#759685", "#829712", "#125625"}, new String[]{"(-) Negative", "(+-) 15 Cells/µl", "(+1) 70 Cells/µl", "(+2) 125 Cells/µl", "(+3) 500 Cells/µl"}, new float[]{20, 20, 20, 20, 20}, 3, 300);