
Primary LanguagePython

Build an LLM RAG Chatbot With LangChain

I'm working through the realpython.com Build and LLM RAG chatbot with langchain tutorial as part of a project to learn Python and understand AI developments.

Notes to Self

I'm using venv to manage the virtual environment, and coding in Windows. The following would probably be obvious to any experienced Python developer.

To create a virtual environment venv, as a one-off step

python -m venv venv

To activate the virtual environment venv (Windows command prompt or PowerShell)

PS> venv\Scripts\activate
(venv) PS>

To install dependencies, in Windows (one-off, or any time you merge an updated requirements.txt)

(venv) PS> pip install -r requirements.txt

To update requirements.txt (any time you've added or updated a dependency)

(venv) PS> pip freeze > requirements.txt