
A learning exercise of pipedrive/graphql-schema-registry

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo serves as a learning exercise of pipedrive/graphql-schema-registry, a schema storage for federated GraphQL Gateway server as alternative to Apollo Studio.

There is 2 parts for achieving this. First, the Schema Registry itself with the Gateway, a MySQL db and a Redis store. Second, the federated services connecting to the registry and used by the Gateway. For the Registry I'm using the official Docker Image pipedrive/graphql-schema-registry.


  1. Go into the /graphql-gateway folder, run nvm use & npm install.
  2. In the root directory, run docker-compose up -d and wait until you can see the Registry's UI.
  3. Go into the federated services folders (/federated-services/service-a & /federated-services/service-b) and run npm install in both of them.
  4. Go into the /federated-services folder and run docker-compose up -d.

After this, you should be able to see both services (service_a & service_b) registered in the Registry and you could start playing with them using the Gateway's built-in Playground.