
A fully functioned QRCode generator made using the Flask Framework of python.

Primary LanguageHTML

QR Code Generator Web App

A Flask App that can be used to generate QR Code. It uses the pyqrcode library to generate the qrcode. The user can also customize the bakground and foreground colors of the QRCode and also can download the qrcode in PNG and SVG format. It also supports Dark and light theme. You can try it at https://qrcode-flamingo.herokuapp.com/

How to run

  • Clone this github repository using the command
git clone <REPOSITORY_URL>
  • Move to the cloned repository by using
  • Install all the required python libraries by using
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the flask app by using the command
python app.py
  • Now Visit the url localhost:5000 in you browser