
Small git utitlies

MIT LicenseMIT



* pre-commit -- Check whether any submodule is about to be updated
  with the commit. Ask the user for confirmation. To use, copy to
  $GIT_DIR/hooks/ and make it executable.

* post-merge-checkout -- Check if any submodule has been updated post
  git-merge (git-pull) or a branch checkout. If so, ask if user wants
  to run git-submodule update. To use, copy to
  $GIT_DIR/hooks/post-checkout and/or $GIT_DIR/hooks/post-merge and
  make them executable.

Installing into the current repository

	if [ -d /tmp/gitutils ]; then cd /tmp/gitutils; git pull; cd -; else git clone git@github.com:roustem/gitutils.git /tmp/gitutils; fi

	chmod a+x /tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/*
	cp /tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/pre-commit ./.git/hooks/
	cp /tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/post-merge-checkout ./.git/hooks/post-merge
	cp /tmp/gitutils/submodule-hooks/post-merge-checkout ./.git/hooks/post-checkout