
Refactor documentation (currently, only for NodeJS SDK)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Convenient and clear documentation is very important for SDK, bcz the main purpose of SDK - to make it easier to integrate service. If SDK is entangled - nobody want to use it. If SDK is clear - everybody wants to use it;)

There are jsdoc-comments for functions, methods, namespaces...

But right now the documentation is not ready for end-user (SDK user), because this doc doesn't cover all a lot of questions.

Doc-layout proposal

  1. main page (readme option in jsdoc.config should point to the other file, not the main README)
    • several badges
    • introduction
    • how to read this doc
    • TOC (could be in sep. file, if the jsdoc could generate toc automatically)
    • simple example
  2. Core object Route4Me
    • description
    • options
    • links to sections (Optimizations, Routes ...)
    • example (how to create)
  3. Subsections (Optimizations, Routes, Addresses ... )
    • desctiption
    • methods
    • examples
  4. Common objects
    • callback desc
    • all errors
    • Logger
    • Validator
    • ....

All examples should be included to jsdoc.

Overall requirements

  • analytics (google analytics)
  • separated TOC is required (side navigation), since there are more than 10 methods

Examples for API

Examples for API should be written separately: see #31

@Olman62 , currently, this issue is about JS (I will fix title).

Right now the description of issue is just a draft for doc-requirements (for me). As you could see - this ticket is attached to the milestone 1.1.0, but right now I am on version 0.1.8, and current target - 1.0.0

Currently I have just scraps of the doc, but I am going to reuse this stuff;)

Current docs

I have published current docs here:

I am sure: if I will ask you to write some code using that documentation - you will stuck))

@Olman62, thank you for review;)