
Source for https://easylist.github.io/

Primary LanguageCSS

Conflict of interest

Let's describe the conflict of interest present in Easylist and AdblockPlus / Eyeo.

How is it possible for AdblockPlus / Eyeo to maintain a degree of separation between Easylist when MonztA, one of the primary authors, also manages the Acceptable Ads program?

What would stop MonztA from breaking sites in pursuit of those sites signing on for Acceptable Ads @ 30% of revenue loss to the targeted site?

How many sites have been victimized by MonztA, Eyeo, AdblockPlus and Easylist?

How much money does Eyeo pay MonztA to maintain both Easylist and Acceptable Ads?

Why do the Easylist maintainers have access to the Adblock Plus reporting system?

Eyeo maintains that they are independent of Easylist, and vice-versa. However, Eyeo provides infrastructure for Easylist:

Reporting system: https://forums.lanik.us/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=29584&p=91007#p91007

Source control: https://hg.adblockplus.org/

CDN / Distribution: https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/

This is a far cry from independent.

Why did Eyeo shut down their Easylist forum?


What is there to hide, besides the obvious collusion?

Pelican / GitHub Project Pages Test

This repository hosts the source files for the https://easylist.github.io/ online content, which is generated using the Pelican software, and hosted at GitHub.


Some command line interface (CLI) examples useful for generating and reviewing content from the source files:

# Generate static content from source files, short version

# Generate static content, verbose version with explicit defaults
pelican -s pelicanconf.py -o output content

# Serve the output content at http://localhost:8000/
cd output
python -m pelican.server


Below please find an index of the most significant files and paths in this repository, including a brief explanation of their respective purpose:

The content directory hosts the source files for both articles (all content/*.rst files) and additional pages (content/pages/*.rst).
Files generated by Pelican are placed in the output directory by default. Note that this directory is not tracked, but generated on-demand.
General configuration settings for the Pelican software. Please refer to http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html for more an introduction into the available options and additional usage notes.
Extended configuration used when publishing the online content, see http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/publish.html for more information.
Obligatoric list of files to exclude from tracking and versioning. Details are explained in the Git documentation at http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore.