
A bit-torrent style distributed file transfer client. A file requested at any client is fetched chunk-wise from all connected clients over TCP connections.

Primary LanguageC++


Exectution Parameters: <exe> <s/c> <PortNumber>

A bit-torrent style distributed file transfer client. A file requested at any client is fetched chunk-wise from all connected clients over TCP connections.


HELP : Open this page

MYIP :Display the IP address of this host.

MYPORT : Display the port on which this process is listening for incoming connections.

REGISTER <server IP> <port_no>: Used to register with the server and to get the IP and listening port numbers of all the peers currently registered with the server.

SIP : Displays details of the other hosts that you can connect to.

CONNECT <destination> <port no>: Establishes a new TCP connection to the specified <destination> at the specified <port no>.

LIST: Display a numbered list of all the connections this process is part of.

TERMINATE <connection id> This command will terminate the connection listed under the specified number when LIST is used to display all connections.

EXIT Close all connections and terminate this process.

DOWNLOAD <file_name> <file_chunk_size_in_bytes> : The host shall download in parallel different chunks of file specified in the download command from all connected hosts until the complete file is downloaded.