
Used to hold the 'default GitHub Issue Labels' for the Route Views organization. Includes an Ansible-based solution for syncing GitHub Issue Labels between GitHub Repositories.

GitHub Labels

An Ansible-based solution for syncing GitHub Issue Labels between GitHub Repositories.

This solution leverages the "github-label-sync" npm packaged tool.


  • ansible is used to
  • npm must be available


Run with the --check flag to see the Dry Run output, like the following:

$ ansible-playbook sync-labels.yml  --check
GitHub Access Token: 
GitHub Organization or User [routeviews]: 
Which repository would you like to update? [infra]: frr
Which repository would you like to retrieve labels from? [labels]: 

... omitted for brevity...

TASK [Dry Run Output] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "dryrun_output.stdout_lines": [
        "Syncing labels for \"routeviews/frr\"",
        "Validating provided labels",
        "Fetching labels from GitHub",
        " > Missing: the \"DNS\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"email\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"invalid\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"security\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"update dependencies\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created."

... trimmed for brevity...

Run without the --check argument to sync the GitHub Issue Labels:

$ ansible-playbook sync-labels.yml
GitHub Access Token: 
GitHub Organization or User [routeviews]: 
Which repository would you like to update? [infra]: frr
Which repository would you like to retrieve labels from? [labels]: 

... omitted for brevity...

TASK [Sync output] ************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "sync_output.stdout_lines": [
        "Syncing labels for \"routeviews/frr\"",
        "Validating provided labels",
        "Fetching labels from GitHub",
        " > Missing: the \"DNS\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"email\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"invalid\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"security\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created.",
        " > Missing: the \"update dependencies\" label is missing from the repo. It will be created."

... trimmed for brevity...


  • Enable syncing all repositories within an organization/user.
  • Consider removing vars_prompt to enable simply running this in GitHub Action workflow.
  • Consider converting the playbook itself into a GitHub Action.