
a sample project that demonstrate how to use powerapi inside grid5000

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An infrastructure to measure energy consumption of docker containers.



PowerApi is based on master/slave architecture when :

  • Slave : is the test machine that contains all the containers we want to measure. We have a sensor for each slave machine which will collect all the data and send them to the server.
  • Server : Responsible for Storage of the data and Calculating the energy measurement and then push them back in the database.

Smartwatts architecture

As we see in the figure below, we can launch many slaves with a single server.

limitations :

-The slave machine must use a new CPU (xenon e5 v3 or newer and sandy bridge generation or newer) -the slave machine has to be dedicated only to tests and we have to run a single test at once.


Docker you can find the installation guide in the following link.


  • Server:
  1. create a docker network using the following command

     docker network create aloha 
  2. Start a mangoBb server using the official Docker image example:

     docker run --name mongobase -p 27017:27017 --net aloha -d mongo

here we run a docker container named mongobase mapped to the port 27017 and associated to the docker network aloha.

  1. Start the bitwatts listener

     docker run -d --name listener -p 27019:4443 --net aloha chakibmed/bitwatts-g5k-energy:latest 

Here we will listen to the port 27019 and we will interact with the mongoDb database using the network aloha. Ps: The name of the docker container of mongodb must be mongobase in order to make the server find him and it has been connected in the same docker network.

  • TestMachine
  1. activate the MSR

     modprobe msr
  2. start the sensor container

     docker run --privileged --name smartwatts-sensor -td \
     -v /sys:/sys -v /var/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro \
     gfieni/powerapi:sensor -n $name -U "mongodb:$serveraddress:$serverport" -D rapls2 -C "sensor$name" \
     -s "rapl" -o -e "RAPL_ENERGY_PKG" -e "RAPL_ENERGY_DRAM" \
     -s "pcu" -o -e "UNC_P_POWER_STATE_OCCUPANCY:CORES_C0" \
     -c "core" -e "CPU_CLK_THREAD_UNHALTED:REF_P" \


  • Don't forget to replace the variables serveraddress serverport and name with their values (name if the name of the test machine).

  • If your machine doesn't support any of the other modules, just remove them. The minimal command should look like:

      docker run --privileged --name smartwatts-sensor -td \
      -v /sys:/sys -v /var/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro \
      gfieni/powerapi:sensor -n $name -U "mongodb:$serveraddress:$serverport" \
      -D rapls2 -C "sensor$name" \
      -s "rapl" -o -e "RAPL_ENERGY_PKG"
  1. launch the script tester.sh

with the name of the container that you right to measure

    ./tester.sh containername args 

ps: don't forget to change the server addres mchinename and server port in the script listener2.sh


The command

    ./tester.sh chakibmed/sleep n

Will launch a container of the image chakibmed/sleep with n as a parameter

the test is just an idle container that sleeps during n seconds


by default it will take the name of the image + the tag of the version as a test name. In our case it the container name will be sleep

so if we launch another test

    ./tester.sh chakibmed/contaier:tag 

the default name will be container_tag

but you can specify it with the option -n

    .tester.sh -n mytest chakibmed/sleep 5 

will give the name mytest to the container

To check the name of the container you can run

    docker ps 

get the measures

you'll find the measure in a collection named recap"machinename" a mongodb database situated in the address "mongodb://serveraddres:serverport"

for more details check the following file


  1. you can find more details such as the power consumption during the time ..etc in the second part file

  2. you find here a jupyter client that uses pymongo to consult the database

you can download the docker container

    docker pull chakibmed/jupyter:notebook 

and to start it run this command

    docker run -d -v "$pwd":/home/jovyan/work --name noptebook -p 8888:8888 chakibmed/jupyter:notebook 

to connect use the authentication link that you'll get from

    docker logs notebook