npm install modef
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseDb = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/blog');
var modef = require('modef');
var model = modef.model,
common = modef.common,
create = modef.create
var Author = {
username: { type: String }
// Common schema for several entities
var PostAndComment = {
body: { type: String },
date: { type: Date, default: function(){ return new Date(); } }
var Picture = {
url: { type: String }
// one-to-many connections imply opposite many-to-one connection
// Picture-Post has many-to-many connection
// model('<entity-name>', <connections>*, MongooseSchema)
model('Author' , Author);
model('Post' , 'Author', ['Picture'], PostAndComment);
model('Comment', 'Post' , 'Author' , PostAndComment);
model('Picture', 'Author', ['Post'] , Picture);
// Fields common to all models
common('name', { type: String, index: true });
Author (root)
`- Post
| `- Picture -> Post
| `- Comment
`- Comment
`- Picture
`- Post -> Picture
`- Comment
// modef exports mongoose models
var post = new modef['Post']();
post.body = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...';;
var author = new modef['Author'](); = 'John Author';
author.username = '';
npm install destrruc
Define your models using modef. Here done in a separate module (see modef docs).
Use destrruc()
function in express server to set up resource routes.
var express = require('express');
var app = express.createServer();
This will set up CRUD routes for all your modef defined models.
POST /:model -> Create Model from req.body
GET /:model/:id -> Return Model :id as JSON
PUT /:model/:id -> Update Model :id to req.body (per field updates)
DELETE /:model/:id -> Delete Model :id
Setting up destrruc, you can pass these options to customize some of the behavior. These are the defaults.
render: function(req, res, modelName, entity, next) {
id: function(id) { return { _id: id }; }
- A callback function for rendering the entity
- A function for creating a mongoose query object from the :id parameter
Using mongoose populate destrruc gives you a way to populate connected fields when doing GETs. Note, this only goes down one level in the connections.
If we have a one-to-many connection between Authors and Posts, Authors will have a list of references to Posts, and Posts will have a field with a reference to an Author. These fields can be populated using the 'include' query parameter.
The general syntax for the include query parameter is:
include-caluse = <connection>[.<field>[|<field> ...]]
?include=<include-clause>[,<include-clause> ...]
Some examples:
# author with posts
# author with posts, but only post heading and date
# same as above, but also include the authors pictures names
destrruc.audit(function(action, modelName, entity, fields) {
console.log('action:%s, model:%s, id:%s', action, modelName, entity._id);
for (field in fields) {
console.log('\t %s = %s', field, fields[field]);