Please submit solutions to with a brief introduction. (Please don't post your solutions online / on GitHub!)

"The Social Graph"

Outline aims to match sitters with dog owners - the more quickly we can find a suitable match the better!

For this problem, we'll assume the only suitable sitters are:

  1. Your friends
  2. Friends of your friends
  3. Your past sitters to whom you've given at least a 4 star review
  4. Sitters to whom your friends have given at least a 4 star review

Your task is to create a program in Python, Ruby, Javascript or Java that will print a list of suitable sitters for an individual dog owner. (If you'd like to use a different language, please shoot us an e-mail first.)

Program Arguments

Your goal is to create a program that will take 2 positional arguments:

  1. The filename of our input data
  2. The ID of the user seeking a sitter

In other words, we should be able to run your program like this (after compilation if needed):

$ ./solution input.csv 1234


The input file will consist of 4 sections:

  1. The number of users (0 indexed)
  2. A list of sitter IDs (not all users are sitters)
  3. A list of friend relationships (2 IDs separated by a comma. Friendship is bi-directional)
  4. A list of past stays (the dog owner's ID, the sitter's ID and a number from 1 to 5 representing the rating in stars given by the dog owner, each separated by a comma)

Sections 2 to 4 will begin with a number on a separate line indictating how many lines follow for that section. Below is a small sample input.

The actual input will not include the comments indicated by a # or the whitespace preceding the #. This file is available as sample-input.csv in this repository.

Please note entries in real inputs are not necessarily ordered like this sample input.

5 # total users, indexed from 0 to 4
3 # 3 sitters
1 # User 1 is a sitter
2 # User 2 is a sitter
4 # User 4 is a sitter
3 # 3 friend relationships
0,1 # 0 & 1 are friends
1,2 # 1 & 2 are friends
2,3 # 2 & 3 are friends
2 # 2 past stays
1,4,4 # 4 sat 1's dog and received a 4 star rating
3,2,5 # 2 sat 3's dog and received a 5 star rating


For a given user as input, please print the IDs of suitable sitters (newline separated) in order of:

  1. Friends
  2. Friends of friends
  3. Your past sitters who you've given a greater than 4 star review
  4. Sitters of friends who received a greater than 4 star review

For the above sample input, if we searched for user 0:

$ ./solution input.csv 0

We'd expect (available as sample-output.csv)


For other sample inputs:

$ ./solution input.csv 1
$ ./solution input.csv 2
$ ./solution input.csv 3
$ ./solution input.csv 4