Recommendation engines are systems that make recommendations tailored to fit a user's preferences and thereby improve user experience.
In this project, we aim to build a recommendation system that recommends restaurants with the Yelp academic dataset.
Converted the available code: json_to_csv converter on Yelp's GitHub from python2 to python3 to convert our dataset.
The restaurant data was merged with the user data to give a total of more than 4 million data points. It had to be reduced to around a million consisting of data from only the restaurants that have more than 50 reviews.
For training our model, we split our data into training, validation, and test sets based on when the rating was given, the most recent ratings are held out, the second most were used in the validation set and the rest in the training set. The model was then trained with SGD optimizer with MSE as its loss function.
The following functions were used to recommend a restaurant to the user:
- predict_ratings: takes the userid as an input and predicts the ratings for all the restaurants which are not rated by that user.
- recommend_restaurants: takes the userid as the input and recommends restaurants based on predicted ratings.
- recommend_based_on_friends: this calculates the average rating of all the friends of a user on the restaurants they have rated and will recommend restaurants to a user based on that average ratings.
- recommend_based_on_location: this will simply recommend the user the restaurants using the above functions but also takes a user’s current location into consideration. (Only recommends those restaurants which are located in users current location)
After performing some EDA, we see that the largest number of reviewed are from Toronto, Ohio. Las Vegas, Nevada has the most top-rated restaurants. Bacchanal Buffet, Las Vegas is the most reviewed restaurant. Earl of Sandwich, Las Vegas is the best restaurant on the basis of review counts and ratings. The restaurant with the most number of storefronts is McDonald's. most reviewed restaurant among the biggest chain restaurants is McDonald's. Despite being the most rated, McDonald's has an average rating of 1.9 stars only which appears to be the case for other big restaurant chains as well.
We found the model to have a MSE of 2.9 which is not satisfactory. This can be improved with hyperparameter tuning and using more data for training in the future. We also trained the model using the Adam optimizer and 2M data points for training and got an MSE of 1.77, which is proved to be an improvement over the previous model one.
The ratings for SGD can be improved by using geo-location, attributes such as vegan, alcohol etc which further narrow down the preference and hence improve the predicted rating of the user. A comparison with user-user, item-item and user-item can help further analyse why our MSE from SGD and Adam is low.
Pandas | NumPy | Matplotlib | Seaborn | Plotly | Cartopy | TensorFlow | Keras