Qualia Insights Accounting System...why buy when you can write your own system? My lovely Wife owns and operates a mental health counselling business and I do her accounting. For the last several years I have used this simple Python script. We bank with PNC so it imports the CSV files and puts categories on everything. The system is not perfect so feel free to modify for your needs.
QIA is based on Python it runs on Raspberry Pi, Chromebook (using crouton with Anaconda), iPad (using Pythonista), and MacOS (using Anaconda). It is meant to be run from the iPython prompt interactively. All the modules used are well known and easy to install. The list of Python dependencies are:
- matplotlib
- numpy
- Python Standard Library modules: CSV, datetime, os
General Steps
Export the month's bank account information from PNCBank.com
set the variable path_to_data
path_to_data = '/home/pi/qualia_insights_accounting' + "/data/2017"
run QIA.py in iPython...note nothing will run it will just load the functions in QIA.py.
load the csv data
bank_data = load_csv_data(path_to_data)
- Read the categories csv file
categories = read_categories("/home/pi/qualia_insights_accounting/data/categories.csv")
To-Do List
Generate monthly reports print out in html
Generate yearly reports print out in html
Save graphs as images then place into reports
Make a different in transactions for personal and business. For example we might have an expense that is paid with personal. I am thinking have different names for the data files.