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when will spotify/music work with hexagon?

rowak commented

I actually just got a set of hexagons myself, and I've been working on updating the API library to support them. Once I finish that, I'll be adding support for the hexagons in the app. Hopefully within the next few weeks.


How is it going? :)

rowak commented

Thanks for checking in! I've been chipping away at it, a bit slower than I expected. That said, I have pretty much updated most of the main features to work with the hexagons. All that's left is to update shortcuts (hotkeys) to work with groups, add some extra code to render hexagons in the preview window, and fix up some things here and there to improve stability.

You can check out the latest build here if you want to test it out (it's pretty unstable though). If you try it out, just let me know if anything isn't working in that build. The setup processes isn't fully updated yet, so once you connect to your hexagons you'll still see "Not connected", but just close the app and reopen it to resync it for now. The preview window and shortcuts tab are disabled because they aren't done just yet. Also, the soundbar effect in the spotify visualizer is disabled because it wasn't behaving well with the hexagons. It looks like there's a bit of a limit on how fast data can be sent to the hexagons (a limitation that the Aurora doesn't seem to have?). The soundbar effect never really worked as well as I wanted it to anyway so I'll likely be replacing it with a new effect.

Full release maybe in another few weeks, idk. I'll be a bit busier in the coming weeks so I won't have as much time to work on it.

Okey nice progress
Did test it now for 1 hour. And so far its all working. Did not have any bug or crash.
I realy like that firework and streaking notes. Almost look the same to me :P
But im missing some stuff.
Do you know the app thats called iLightShow ? it is an android app for the nanoleafs. And its working the same way syncing to spotify like you have.
In that app you can make light flash like a strobe. You know strobe on nightclubs.
and lights are blinking little faster aswell.
Dont know how hard it is to add stuff like that.

The down thing with that ilight app is that i need to have phone to use it and i dont like that.

Ones again great job so far :)

rowak commented

Awesome, that's good to hear! Thanks for testing it out.

I checked out the iLightShow app, but it looks like the strobe feature is locked behind a paywall. If you could send a video of the effect playing or try to describe it in a bit more detail, then I'll try to recreate it. If strobe just means changing the color of all the panels rapidly, then it should be simple to implement.

Did film here:!Ao_LFGR6gp_Kgp055lUyviMHjIrGRg
Dont know if its the best to show what i talk about.
Is there a way to make the user to pick if the lights should blink to the bass?

rowak commented

Thanks! I tried to recreate that effect in the easiest way I could think of. It's basically the same as the fireworks effect, but there is a 70% chance when a beat occurs that all the panels will flash, and a 30% chance that some of the panels will randomly flash. Also I increased the fade time by 50%. The new effect is called "Party Mix". Check it out in the latest build here. Let me know if it's close to what you wanted. Also note that you can edit the palette of the effect if you wanted to add white, since white isn't included in the default palette.

To answer your question, the answer is no (probably). I don't know of a way to isolate the bass using the spotify API. The way the spotify effects work fairly simple. They use spotify's pre-processed data (sections, bars, beats, tatums, and segments) that define changes in a song (you can see a visualizer here). The spotify effects listen for these changes and react to them accordingly, but they can really only see when the changes occur. So far, most of the effects just listen for beats because I haven't really figured out how to do more complicated stuff with the data.

So far good.
Is there a way to change the sens on the fly?
in that android app i can change sens so i can deside on what it should react to.
now it reacts on every sound. if you know what i talk about? :P haha

rowak commented

By "sens" you mean sensitivity, right? There should be a sensitivity slider to change how sensitive the spotify effects are to changes in the music. It looks like this:

The closer the slider is to the right end, the more sensitive the effect will be. It should also work "on the fly" and update the effect even when it's playing.

Im just blind haha. i write before i think :P

Did test 1 hour today. and did notis that light goes black time to time. When it should not do it. there was no paus in the music. but light did go black for 1 sec.
Dont know if that is a bug or not.

rowak commented

If you were switching between effects there should be a short time where the panels go black, but they definitely aren't supposed to randomly go black when you are in the middle of a song. If this is the case, it could be that (1) the sensitivity it too low and maybe it missed a beat or two, or (2) it could be due to heavy load when a lot of people are using the visualizer at once.

I think case 1 is more likely, but case 2 is definitely possible, since (according to the spotify developer statistics) there were a few people using the spotify visualizer yesterday. You're right, it could also be a bug, but I haven't come across it in my testing, and I've never had any bug reports like it. You could try running NFD in a terminal with java -jar nfd.jar (where nfd.jar is the executable, so whatever you named it) to see if any error messages are being output.