
My Macca's online ordering web app test

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My Macca's online ordering web app test.


McDonald's are rolling out a trial of a mobile ordering system in my hometown of Wollongong, NSW Australia.

Currently it's only available for iOS devices. I thought I'd take a look at the app, try to figure out how it works, and build my own implementation for a different platform.


The iOS app uses a RESTful API which handles all processing on the server-side. Sessions are maintained via a token which is given to the client upon successful authentication and sent to the server as a header with every subsequent authenticated request.

Sessions expire after a certain amount of time. I will be documenting the API more fully in the future.


To get around the same-origin policy, I configured a local reverse proxy supporting SSL at https://mymaccas.dev/api. This routes all requests to the correct endpoint.

I wrote a tutorial on how to configure Apache as a HTTPS reverse proxy.