
Chess project for Yonas

Primary LanguagePython

Chess Project built for Yonas, using python

Current packages required:

flask flask-socketio

to do list:

  1. Add logging system
    • logging should save: [DONE] 1. game id [DONE] 2. turn # [DONE] 3. loc from [DONE] 4. loc to [DONE] 5. piece moved [DONE] 6. piece attacked (if any) [DONE] 8. health of old attacker [DONE] 9. health of new attacker [DONE] 10. health of defender [DONE] 11. total # of pieces on the board
  2. detect if king is checkmated
    1. detect if a player has any kings on board
    2. detect if a piece is threatened
    3. detect if king is in check
  3. Add the more obscure rules
    1. Castling
    2. Promotion
    3. En Passant
      • Currently works, but doesn't check if the piece moved last turn
  4. Testing?

No rounding (but do round display to 1 decimal place) attack own pieces to merge (cap out at max hp)

attacks should always leave tile with 10 total hp in it.