
Realtime River Transect data collection. Using Python and Flask backend. Frontend uses Javascript and websockets for communication with Python backend.


River Settings

River Map

River Terminal

Run Application

Run the application by running app.py

  • This will start a Flask Server and open the web browser
  • The application will then interact between app.py and the web browser


Dependencies are found in requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r rti_python\requirements.txt

VSCode to run Python scripts to activate VENV

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
& c:/Users/rico/Documents/rti/python/DataloggR/venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1

Debugging Code

Open the application and press Ctrl-Shift-I to view the Chrome Inspection Tool.

If the Javascript is modified, the previous script will be in cache and not relead. Go to the Network tab in the Chrome inspection tool and check and uncheck "Disable Cache". Then reload the browser window by pressing Ctrl-R. The new Javascript will be loaded and you can verify this in the Console tab of the inspection tool.

You can also debug the javascript in the Inspection tool

Code Layout


app.py hosts the python Flask server backend. The backend handles all the button clicks and datalogger connections.

##main.js main.js is an AJAX javascript. It handles all the GUI. It also displays the status of the datalogger. Any button clicks will be sent to the python backend at app.py.

##Static folder This folder holds the javascript file and images.

##Template This folder holds all the GUI HTML jinja displays. Jinja the template engine for the Flask python server. Within the Jinja template files, the javascript files will handle the dynamic displaying.