
Move AWS EC2 instances to different subnets, regions, or accounts.

Primary LanguagePython

EC2 Teleporter


It is tedious to move EC2 instances around in the AWS environment. Many steps are involved and ensuring things like tags being applied to the new instance and volumes is error prone. Not to mention the extra layer of debauchery that takes place when encryption is involved. Enter ec2_teleporter✨🚀.

Designed for use with AWS...obviously, and Python 3.7. This tool currently supports EBS backed instances only. See the Features list below.


  1. git clone https://github.com/rowlinsonmike/ec2_teleporter
  2. cd ./ec2_teleporter
  3. pip install requirements.txt


python ec2_teleporter.py


ec2_teleporter requires 2 profiles in your ~/.aws/credentials file

  1. One profile should have the name src and should contain access keys for source account
  2. One profile should have the name dst and should contain access keys for destination account

Run Steps

  1. run python ec2_teleporter.py
  2. select source region from given prompt
  3. select destination region from given prompt
  4. input instance-id when prompted
  5. instance will be powered off
  6. AMI will be created from instance or prompted to use existing AMI
  7. select destination vpc from prompt
  8. select destination subnet from prompt
  9. select destination security group from prompt
  10. select destination instance profile from prompt
  11. If original instance is encrypted you will be prompted to select destination kms key to use. Else you will be asked whether you would like the instance encrypted or not.
  12. Confirm all your selections with y or backout with n
  13. Prompted to cleanup AMI that was created. y will delete AMI and snapshots.
  14. Prompted to terminate original instance. y will delete original instance even if termination protection is enabled.
  15. New instance-id will be displayed


Current Version
teleport unencrypted/encrypted instance same region same account
teleport unencrypted/encrypted instance cross region same account
teleport unencrypted/encrypted instance same region cross account
teleport unencrypted/encrypted instance cross region cross account
delete resources (AMIs,snapshots,instance) after teleport
Ability to teleport to/from a dedicated host
Ability to teleport to/from a dedicated instance
Ability to update instance type
Ability to teleport ephemeral instances
Ability to teleport from AMI instead of instance
Ability to teleport a default encrypted instance
Ability to use IAM roles instead of profiles


  1. Can I teleport a instance encrypted with default encryption? No. YOU MUST BE USING KMS CMKs in order to use this tool currently.
  2. Where can this process fail? It is possible that for various reasons the script times out waiting for either AMI creation or AMI copy. However, the waiters are set for 40 minutes, so if a timeout occurs something is likely wrong.
  3. What settings are applied on the new volumes? EBS volumes are set to delete with instance on termination when new instance is deployed and also recieve any tags the instance itself recieves.

Pro Tips

  1. Use temporary access keys. AWS SSO is worth setting up if you haven't.
  2. If you already have an AMI of an instance you want to use, just make sure the AMI is named "Teleport-[instance-id]". ec2-teleporter will find it.

How to Contribute


  1. Clone repo and create a new branch: $ git checkout https://github.com/rowlinsonmike/ec2_teleporter -b name_for_new_branch.
  2. Make changes and test
  3. Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes


  1. Submit an issue with details that include logs and how one would emulate.


Reach out to me at one of the following places:
