
Batteries included table component that just works

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EZ React Table

🔋 Batteries included table component that does it all!

⚡️ Try out the Demo! ⚡️

🏗 Active Development 🛠


  • 💻 virtualized rows
  • 🔽 built in sorting
  • 📄 column pagination
  • ↔️ column resize
  • 🕵 global search
  • 🌊 overflow management with tool tips
  • 🔨customizable toolbar
  • ✅ selectable rows


Install ez-react-table with npm

  npm install ez-react-table



import { EzReactTable } from "ez-react-table";
import "ez-react-table/lib/styles.css";

function App() {
  return (
            title: "First",
            key: "first",
            title: "Last",
            key: "last",
          { first: "Michael", last: "Myers" },
          { first: "Laurie", last: "Strode" },
          { first: "Samuel", last: "Loomis" },


Component properties

Property Type Default Description
cols array [] column configuration
data array [] data to render
rowHeight number 30 height of rows in pixels
tableHeight number 500 height of table in pixels
showCols number cols.length how many columns to show before paginating
title Component or string null create title for table, can be either a string or a react component
toolbar Component null react component to pass as toolbar
selectable string null defining makes rows selectable, pass column key to use as unique identifier.
initialSelected array [] array of of ids that should be checked on component load. The array contains the values of the property specified in selectable
onSelect function null function that runs when selections occur. the function will get passed the current selection array

Component toolbar property

the toolbar component recieves 2 properties defined below

Property Description
selected array of selected rows
clearSelected clear selected rows

Column Configuration

Property Type Description
title string column display name
align string justify-content css property
key string correlated property name in data object
format function render custom content

Column Configuration format function

Argument Description
value value to render in column
object row's object
(value, object) => <span>{value}</span>;


Apply default styles

import { EzReactTable } from "ez-react-table";
import "ez-react-table/lib/main.css";
import "ez-react-table/lib/styles.css";

For custom styles, copy ez-react-table/lib/styles.css and modify as needed.

import { EzReactTable } from "ez-react-table";
import "ez-react-table/lib/main.css";
import "./styles.css";

