- 0
- 8
- 1
documentation: roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc should start before nvim-completion-manager
#170 opened by blablablerg - 3
- 2
Disable arrow keys in insert mode to run through selection in favor of <TAB> and <s-TAB>
#188 opened by sdrap - 8
Error in logger on startup
#223 opened by bronzehedwick - 1
Warning on startup, regarding `on_core_channel_error`
#176 opened by victorz - 0
Keep showing parameters until you finished typing
#179 opened by Xatenev - 2
- 1
Parralle Process, communicating with main process
#197 opened by mhartington - 1
COBOL support
#205 opened by xerron - 16
Selecting snippets fails
#196 opened by hliebert - 1
python autocomplete error: E742: Cannot change value of v:completed_item.is_snippet = 0
#199 opened by fcying - 1
- 3
very high CPU rate
#215 opened by yyscamper - 2
Disable a source when another is active
#216 opened by alexlafroscia - 1
Only show completion popup on key
#180 opened by Xatenev - 1
#186 opened by likelxl - 1
insert 模式下pop menu太过灵敏。
#194 opened by pittcat - 0
Word pattern for "Word from current buffer"
#222 opened by tybenz - 1
Completion shows part of the snippet
#221 opened by MichaelWJung - 0
Completion not working anymore when using cquery
#217 opened by kafendt - 3
c key switches straight into insert mode
#214 opened by danprince - 7
get “nvim-completion-manager core channel terminated.” everytime i edit a file in terminal env.
#213 opened by lgy87 - 1
Support ‘smart’ filtering of autocomplete suggestons
#210 opened by fenuks - 2
Overwriting priority for a built-in completer
#212 opened by ravicious - 20
- 1
how to directly autocompletion when I typed <cr>
#209 opened by werckdd - 0
UltiSnips in VISUAL
#206 opened by luzik - 0
does not autocomplete with some tags
#203 opened by bbtdev - 3
- 0
- 6
vim-devicons support
#185 opened by xerron - 0
cm_tmux runs amok, blocks other plugins
#195 opened by phmarek - 0
- 1
Following trouble shooting guide to figure out why NCM is not working on Windows 10, Neovim 0.2.2, with Anaconda Python (3.6.2)
#181 opened by bzm3r - 0
c++ completion bug
#190 opened by cossonleo - 2
Inconsistent behavior for "import" keyword in Python
#189 opened by sassanh - 0
- 4
How to remap <C-n> and <C-p>?
#177 opened by ijsnow - 0
- 2
user defined ultisnips won't show up
#174 opened by casprwang - 2
`set noshowmode` showing unnecessary information
#182 opened by bedax - 0
- 0
- 0
Errors in starting channels
#171 opened by fennerm - 3
- 1
Completion for JS + Flow
#167 opened - 1
- 0
Trailing whitespace with g:cm_matcher and nsf/gocode
#165 opened by namedots