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Part 1: JSON manipulation

Start the server by running the file (python and go to the homepage and click around to understand what's already provided for you.

Change the /moviefunction (in Look at the json_string variable change it form JSON string to python idct format and return to the user the details about the movie specified in the variable json_string

  • When you visit you should be able to see the title of the movie, the release date, and display an image of the movie


Change the /tv_shows function and use the json_string variable to show now a list of the tv shows (you will have to change it from a JSON string to python dict like you did before). Visiting should show you a list of TV shows that have name, language, and genres for the show

Part 2: Calling your first APIs!

The documentation for thefirst API you will be working with can be found here:

If you visit a list of all dog breeds is returned. Try this in your browser! (Chrome/firefox)

Using the requests library (as shown in the slides) Do a GET request to the link above to get all dog breeds and return them to them as a list to the user as a bullet pointed list



With a provided returns an image, Example:

Create a new route and html page that has a text box, when the user write a name of a breed it returns an image using the API url above