
Feed MongoDB Metrics to New Relic

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

New Relic+MongoDB Extension

A plugin to gather metrics from your MongoDB deployment and send the metrics to the New Relic Platform.


While this project is gaining steam, you will need a base knowledge of Ruby and Ruby Gems. If you have this knowledge, and feel that you breezed through the installation, please consider writing a tutorial for others. If you are lacking knowledge on the Ruby and Ruby gems configuration, please post questions to the Issues section of the project, and we will help as quickly as possible.


Everyone loves metrics. Everyone loves metrics beside their application metrics. The New Relic platform is a hit.

MongoDB will monitor the following metrics:

  • Operations / Second
  • RAM Usage
  • Disk Size
  • Lock %
  • Page Faults

This extension will work for single servers, replica sets, and sharding.

Using with Replica Sets and Sharding

To use with Replica Sets and Sharding, you will need to run one agent per host being monitored. In the future, we are planning to do inspection and automated monitoring for complete environments.

Base Installation and Configuration

Prior to installation, you will need to configure Ruby and Gems with foreman. There are

  1. Download the latest release from (https://github.com/MongoHQ/newrelic-mongodb-agent/releases)
  2. Copy config/template_newrelic_plugin.yml to config/newrelic_plugin.yml
  3. Modify config/newrelic_plugin.yml as required
  4. Install required Ruby gems for the agent by running bundle install from the plugins parent directory.
  5. Run foreman start
  6. See "MongoDB" on the left side of your New Relic screen with available metrics

It is best not to run this with sudo or root privileges. If you find permissions errors, please consider creating a ~/.gems directory for an unprivileged user, and setting the GEM_HOME=~.gems evironmental variable.

Production Deployment Methods

Two (of many) methods for deploying this New Relic Platform plugin:

  1. On Linux (with upstart)
  2. Heroku

If you have documentation for other deployment methods, please submit a pull request.

On Host Deployment

Run the above steps on base installation and configuration. Then, run:

foreman export upstart /etc/init -a newrelic_mongodb

This will create an upstart manageable process that will run on server start.


For off sight manage of your resources, which is great "in the cloud". If you are familure with Heroku, you can run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a new heroku application: git apps:create --app=<unique name>
  3. Make modifications to the config/newrelic_plugin.yml file from the template
  4. Commit the change
  5. Run git push heroku master
  6. Add a full-time runner for the worker: git ps:scale mongodb=2 --app=<unique name>

Requesting Changes

To request additions to the New Relic dashboard or platform, please complete a Github issue with the errors, features, or dashboard changes. The more information and diagrams you can provide the quicker and easier the communication process will proceed.

If you know the error, and would like to make changes, we do accept pull requests.