
Helper for PhantomJS with Node.js with plenty of handy functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rewrite most static functions for below purposes

  • Compatile with another sync libraries (with callback is the last argument)
  • Add some handy function to wait for page loaded with ajax
  • Render both light-weight html and image for Debugging


Basic sample

  • With Callback Hell
var _ph = require('./PhantomHelper');

_ph.createDefaultPage('http://www.google.com', function (err, page) {
	_ph.fill(page, '#gbqfq', 0, 'phantom-helper', function (err, result) {
		_ph.click(page, '#gbqfba', 0, 1, function (err, result) { 
			_ph.render(page, 'res.jpg', function (err, result) { 

  • Without Callback Hell using wait.for
var _w = require('wait.for');
var _ph = require('./PhantomHelper');

var run = function (page) {
	_w.for(_ph.fill, page, '#gbqfq', 0, 'phantom-helper');
	_w.for(_ph.click, page, '#gbqfba', 0, 1);
	_w.for(_ph.render, page, 'res.jpg');


_ph.createDefaultPage('http://www.google.com', function (err, page) {
	_w.launchFiber(run, page);


Create page (phantom instance) with an url

PhantomHelper.createDefaultPage = function(startURL, callback) {}

PhantomHelper.createPage = function(phantomHelperCfg, startURL, callback) {}


phantomOpt.parameters: is exactly the same as PhantomJs configure without '--' See more here: http://phantomjs.org/api/command-line.html

	"phantomOpt" : {		
		"parameters": {
			"ignore-ssl-errors": "yes",
			"load-images": "no",
			"disk-cache": "yes",
			"max-disk-cache-size": 10000,
			"proxy-type": "none"
		"noWait": 0,     // not supported yet, leave as default
		"multiPage": 0   // not supported yet, leave as default
	"viewportSize" : { "width": 1360, "height": 900 },
	"timeOutMillis" : 1000, // iterator timeout to check AJAX resources
	"maxTimeOutMillis" : 60000, // max timeout to check AJAX resources
	"maxTryFinishRes" : 3, // check the resource available n times to make sure AJAX loaded
	"timeInterval" : 300, // delay between each iterator check
	"isDebugRender" : 1, // render image and html
	"isMiniRender" : 1, // remove JS code in HTML render
	"isDebug" : 1 // for more console log to debugging

Render a page with both html content and image (for debugging)

PhantomHelper.render = function(page, filepath, fnCallback, isForceRender) {}

Execute inject function to phantom

If you want to pass by the input arguments for fnInject, they should placed right before the last callback function

// execute inject function and wait for any AJAX
PhantomHelper.doWait = function(page, fnInject, fnCallback) {}

// execute inject function and wait for any condition function
PhantomHelper.doWaitCond = function(page, fnInject, ifn_Condition, callback) {}

// wait for any AJAX then execute inject function
PhantomHelper.waitDo = function(page, fnInject, fnCallback) {}

// wait for any condition function then execute inject function
PhantomHelper.waitDoCond = function(page, fnInject, ifn_Condition, callback) {}

// execute inject function without waiting
PhantomHelper.do = function(page, fnInject, callback) {}

Some handy overwrite function with support index when using document.querySelectorAll() in selector

PhantomHelper.fill = function(page, query, index, value, fnCallback) {}

PhantomHelper.click = function(page, query, index, isWait, fnCallback) {}

PhantomHelper.clickEx = function(page, query, isWait, fnCallback) {}
// Support jQuery like selector with :eq(<index>) to clarify index of DOM

PhantomHelper.clickNaEx = function(page, query, options/*(default null)*/, isWait, fnCallback) {}
// Apply the native click (click at XY coordinate based on viewportSize). See more at: http://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/method/send-event.html

PhantomHelper.fillEx = function(page, query, value, fnCallback) {}

PhantomHelper.upload = function(page, query, filepath, fnCallback) {}

Get value DOM value from page, queries should follow the below format

  • Array: [queryStr1, queryStr2, ... queryStrN]
  • Single string: queryStr

Result is Hash object with queries as keys and their results as values

Each query should be formatted as 'selector>>index>>attribute'. attribute is DOM attribute or 'text' for innerText and 'html' for innerHTML

  • Example: queries = '.a div span>>0>>text'; queries = ['.a div span>>0>>text', '.tr div a>>0>>html'];
PhantomHelper.getVal = function(page, queries, fnCallback) {}

Waiting functions that wait for AJAX loaded or specified condition

  • All the timeout could be ommitted to use the default value from config
PhantomHelper.waitForCondition = function(page, ifn_Condition, timeoutInterval, maxTimeOutMillis, callback) {}

PhantomHelper.waitPageLoaded = function (page, timeOutMillis, maxTimeOutMillis, callback) {}

Super handy waiting function

PhantomHelper.wait = function(page, condition, callback) {}

condition could be:
* number: wait in ms
* string: selector string, wait for that element existed
* array: array of selector strings, wait for all elements existed
* function: wait for that condition function return true

If condition is omitted (page, callback), default waitPageLoaded will be called
