Prestart Config


Prestart Config is a command-line utility used to load and configure settings from various sources such as MongoDB, Google Sheets, and more.

Environment Configuration


Key information users need to know to achieve their goal. Before using prestart-config, you need to configure some environment variables as follows: In the directory there must be an [.env] file and the following variables must be configured

  • MONGO_URL: Connection URL to MongoDB (if using MongoDB).
  • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: Email of Google service account (if using Google Sheets).
  • GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of Google service account (if using Google Sheets).


For a smoother process. You can obtain the GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL and GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY by following the instructions provided by Google here.

Note: For the GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable, you need to provide the private key as a string, but keep in mind that this string is often long and distributed. Make sure you copy this string accurately.

Example Usage:


Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.

  • -f, --from <from> Specifies the configuration source. Acceptable values are: mongo, Mongo Url, Google Sheet Url.
  • -s, --source <source> Specifies the configuration source details. For MongoDB, this is the collection name; for Google Sheets, this is the sheet name
  • -d, --dir <dir> Specifies the output directory.
  • -q, --query <query> Specifies a configuration query.
  • -i, --init Initializes the configuration.
  • -h, --help Displays help for the command.


npx -y prestart-config -f <from> -s <source> -d <dir>
  1. Load configuration from MongoDB:
    • If use config mongo .env
      • Example: npx -y prestart-config -f mongo -s <collection name> -d <out directory>
    • If use Mongo URL Connection
      • Example: npx -y prestart-config -f <mongodb+srv:// ...> -s <collection name> -d <out directory>
  2. Load configuration from GoogleSheet:
    • Example: npx -y prestart-config -f <Google Sheets URL> -s <sheet name> -d <output directory>

Reference Documentation

Detailed reference documentation for prestart-config can be found at GitHub Pages.