The most native and simplest way to write-in-sync in NodeJS
This library is written purely in ES6 without any dependency
Still non-blocking node's event loop
Fully compatible with all other libraries (such as async)
NEW UPDATE: support Promise call (BETA - document pending) Example
- npm i sync-es6 --save
main(callback) {
async_function(arg1, (err, result1) => {
another_async_function(arg2, (err, result2) => {
return callback && callback(null, result1 + result2);
Step 0: make sure all of your callback functions will be callbacked as "function (err, result) {}" format
- 1st param: error indicated (usually null)
- 2nd param: real return value
Step 1: define wraper function as a generator function, and call inside functions in sync
function* writeSyncInside(args1, args2) {
let returnValue1 = yield [async_function, arg1];
let returnValue2 = yield [another_async_function, arg2];
return returnValue1 + returnValue2;
Step 2: CALL IT with sync
const _sync = require('sync-es6');
_sync(writeSyncInside /*,args1, args2, ... , callback*/);
// optional callback function at last argument, nice to have in case of error occurred
let iterator = _sync(runner,args1, args2, ... , finalcallback);
- runner (required): a generator function OR object
{generator: function*, isTolerant: boolean}
- isTolerant (optional, default "false"): if it's "true", when an error occurred in inside async function (when callback
return (err)
) the runner will not throw & break to finalcallback (if existed) and justreturn undefined
- isTolerant (optional, default "false"): if it's "true", when an error occurred in inside async function (when callback
- args (optional): input params for generator function
- finalcallback (optional): catch error & final result for runner, if it's undefined the runner will throw() when error occurred
- runner (required): a generator function OR object
- iterator (optional): IT'S NOT final result value, just a iterator. Normally you wouldn't use it. It has .break(err) method when you want to break from runner function anytime.
iterator.break(err) // break exit from inside runner (generator) function.
- Parameters
- err (required): Error/String/... anything that's not null
I write this library in thanks of Mr.Luciotato that looking into his code help me learn about generator function. I guess that because of he want the wait.for-es6 should be backward compatible with wait.for (ES5) so there something messy if you wall to call multiple async functions inside each others (with the "onComplete" event) OR maybe just I don't know how to use it properly. So I decide to seperate with a little modification to make it easier to use.