Table of Contents

  • Welcome to my PQ Branch!
  • I know that here soon this will be outdated due to the work of jyoung
  • In the mean time, this remains as the leading PQ branch to my knowledge
  • Currently you get the most up to date timebomb bypass stuff, now featuring an alarm when you don't grab the wheel

What Branch Should You Use? WBSYU!

  • It's quite simple once you understand my babbling.
  • pq-legacy is for the plebs who don't have a comma pedal and a compatible ABS unit
  • pq-private is for the adventurous PQ bois who have a pedal and a compatible ABS unit!
  • This next part should be pretty self explanatory. If you just made your J533 harness from a photo you got from discord, use the extcan branch. If you know you're on drivetrain/powertrain, which you will know, then use the drivetrain branch

Installing a branch

  • First figure out what branch you want to use.
  • Then run this command when SSH'ed into your (Fr)Eon
  • cd /data/ && git clone -b "BRANCH NAME HERE" --recurse-submodules && chmod -R 777 /data/openpilot && reboot
  • You can also try using my install URL's!

Reach out to me on discord: khonsu#2473 if you have any questions