
UpPeR LoWeR converts your text into alternating case.

Primary LanguagePython

UpPeR LoWeR Your Text

Select and copy text.

Run the script.

The CoNvErTeD TeXt is added to your clipboard. Go paste and be merry...and/or sarcastic.

A work in progress

To do:

  • expand instructions on setting a keyboard shortcut on MacOS
  • version of Python script for use with Pyto on iOS
  • instructions on combining script + Pyto + iOS Shorcuts app

KeYbOaRd sHoRtCuT On mAcOs

If you're on MacOS, you can use Automator to create a "Quick action" (aka Service) to run the script from terminal. Once you've created, named, and saved this quick action, go into System Preferences > Keyboard and in the "Shortcuts" section you can select your action and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.


To the Twitter troll that inspired me to make this, thank you.

This script uses Pyperclip.